Sigh. So I know I have made promises before, but this time its a new years resolution(if that means anything). Yes, I plan to be posting more frequently. I have already scheduled deadlines in my calendar, so that should help me keep on track. In addition to the reminders, I have also put together a plan for at least eight posts.
So before I get carried away with my new commitments, I think I should mention a few things about the passing of 2013. 2013 turned out to be a fantastic year for me, in pretty much every way. A new work opportunity came up which I was not going to let slip past. I attended a day of the ITweb security summit, where it was great to see some really high quality presentations from international speakers. I hope to go this year too, budget willing.
I also attended my third ZACon, which is always an awesome con to attend. It started off with an evening of soldering my own Con badge, and then the next day was a tight schedule of presentations. The organisers always put together a good programme, with a mixed batch of presentations from all forms of hacking. I was particularly interested in the presentations about markov chains in hash cracking, mains signalling, mobile advert framework (in)security, and directional antenna design.

So enough about the past. What will I not post on my blog in 2014?
I had a few technical articles that I wanted to post last year, but never got around to it. I still plan on putting them together, but for starters I am going to run with a series of posts about some interesting websites/webservices that can be used in the security space. My plan is to select a few good services, and blog about them; so that they can all be found from the same place. Personally, I tend to find cool stuff and then forget about them.
So I am hoping that my posts will serve as store for both me, and anyone else interested.