

My name is Duncan, welcome to my blog! I like to talk, think and learn about all things security. For as long as I can remember, I have been investigating and learning about the “interesting” side of computing things(in general). Whether it be a new technique to do something awesome with technology, or just a new way to fold a shirt, or make use of my time, or boost the growth potential of my garden, or… I think you get the idea.

Needless to say, software security gripped me early. I spend a lot of time tinkering with new software techniques, or understanding new ways of “breaking the code”. As a security professional, I have noticed there are major gaps in the internets’ resources, with respect to software security. I hope to help try close that gap, by posting new and interesting(to me, at least!) topics about security and software engineering.

I may not have all the answers, in fact, you may have more questions than answers after reading my blog posts. I believe that thought-provoking questions help ones understanding and further ones appreciation of what it means to be secure, and talking about it will help make the world a safer and securer place.

Yes, yes. I know… You fell asleep the second I said “security”. Don’t be like that! Have a look around and read some of my posts! I am sure you will find something to stimulate your mind! Feel free to contact me, should you feel the need to talk about anything you have read here(or if you just feel compelled to implore me to stop writing, that’ll do too).



PS. I make no excuses for my writing style, I like using my words(which may make for heavy reading for some).

View Duncan Keir's profile on LinkedIn


Some things I like:

  • Field hockey
  • Red wine
  • Craft beer
  • Python
  • Django
  • Linux
  • Fly-fishing
  • Hiking
  • Sailing
  • Reading
  • Kendo

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  1. Recent media has generated huge hype about HeartBleed bug in OpenSSL, and I was wondering if you were going to write a post about it.

    P.S. I see no way to submit feedback unrelated to a specific article posted.

    1. Noted. I havent spent much time on the functionality side of things. I will add a general comments page.

      RE. heartbleed, I am thinking of putting something out this weekend

  2. Hi Duncan,
    I don't know a thing about security, but found all this interesting and liked your style of writing!
    Hope to see you soon. Marg (Dom's aunt in Canada)

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